How to Clean Dyson Filter V10

To clean a Dyson filter v10, remove it from the machine and rinse it under cold water until the water runs clear. Then dry the filter for a minimum of 24 hours before reinstalling it.

Maintaining the performance of your Dyson vacuum cleaner is vital to ensure your house is free from dirt and dust and for the well-being of your family. One of the crucial components of the Dyson v10 is its filter, how to clean Dyson filter v10? which traps large particles and allergens in the atmosphere. It’s essential to clean the filter of your Dyson v10 regularly.

Before you begin cleaning, ensure the machine is unplugged, and wait for it to cool down. When cleaning, remove the filter and rinse under cold tap water, shake off the excess, and wait for a minimum of 24 hours for the filter to dry before fitting it back into your Dyson v10 vacuum cleaner.

How to Clean Dyson Filter V10

Why Cleaning Dyson Filter V10 Is Important

Cleaning Dyson filter v10 is crucial to keep your vacuum working efficiently. If you neglect it, you risk restricting the airflow, which will reduce suction power. That will lower your battery life and might cause the motor to overheat. To avoid that, follow the below steps.

First, remove the filter from the device. Second, rinse it under the tap. Third, allow it to air-dry for at least 24 hours before placing it back in the vacuum. If you vacuum frequently, remember to clean the filter every three to four months or sooner.

By doing this, you will ensure your Dyson v10 lasts for years.

Signs That The Filter Needs Cleaning

Cleaning the Dyson v10 filter is easy, but how do you know it needs cleaning? Reduced suction power is the first sign, and a change in the sound of the motor makes it apparent. Check the filter for any discoloration or dirt build-up, and it’s a tell-tale sign it’s due for a clean.

These signs indicate a clogged filter, which can cause the vacuum cleaner’s motor to overheat, reduce suction power, or even damage the engine. After removal, wash the filter with cold water and mild soap until the water runs clear, and let it dry before replacing it.

Although the Dyson v10 manual provides guidance, regularly checking the filter for signs of dirt build-up and cleaning it when necessary will help ensure the vacuum’s longevity and maintain its optimal performance.

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Steps To Clean Dyson Filter V10

Cleaning the filter of your Dyson V10 vacuum is essential to maintain its performance and prolong its lifespan. Here’s a step-by-step process to clean the Dyson V10 filter:

Steps To Clean Dyson Filter V10

Materials You’ll Need

  1. Dyson V10 vacuum cleaner
  2. Soft brush or cleaning tool (included with the vacuum)
  3. Water (cool tap water)
  4. Mild detergent (optional)
  5. Clean, dry cloth or paper towels

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Power Off and Unplug: Ensure that the Dyson V10 vacuum is turned off and unplugged from the power source to ensure safety during cleaning.
  2. Access the Filter: Open the dustbin or dust container of your Dyson V10 vacuum and remove it from the main unit. This will expose the filter(s) that need cleaning.
  3. Remove the Filter: Depending on your Dyson V10 model, there might be multiple filters. Gently remove the filter from its housing. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions if you’re not sure how to remove the filter.
  4. Shake Off Loose Debris: Take the filter outdoors or over a trash bin and gently tap or shake it to dislodge any loose debris, dirt, or dust. This step will help remove the surface-level dirt.
  5. Brush Away Debris: Use the soft brush or cleaning tool provided with your Dyson V10 (or a similar soft brush) to gently brush away any remaining debris from the filter’s surface. Be careful not to be too forceful to avoid damaging the filter.
  6. Rinse the Filter (Optional): Some Dyson V10 filters are washable. If your filter is washable, rinse it under cool tap water. Hold the filter under running water and gently rub the filter’s surface with your fingers to remove dirt and dust. Avoid using hot water as it can damage the filter.
  7. Use Mild Detergent (If Needed): If the filter is particularly dirty, you can use a mild detergent. Add a small amount of mild detergent to a basin of cool water, and then gently agitate the filter in the soapy water. Rinse the filter thoroughly to remove any detergent residue.
  8. Rinse and Air Dry: Rinse the filter thoroughly under cool tap water to ensure all detergent and dirt are washed away. Gently shake off excess water, and then let the filter air dry completely. This might take a few hours or more, depending on the humidity level in your environment. Do not reinstall a wet or damp filter.
  9. Clean the Housing: While the filter is drying, you can use a clean, dry cloth or paper towels to wipe down the inside of the filter housing in the vacuum unit. Remove any dust or debris that might have accumulated in this area.
  10. Reinstall the Filter: Once the filter is completely dry, gently place it back into its housing. Make sure it’s properly seated and secured in place.
  11. Reassemble the Vacuum: Reattach the dustbin or dust container to the vacuum unit, ensuring it’s properly clicked into place.
  12. Power On and Test: Plug in your Dyson V10 vacuum, turn it on, and test its suction power to ensure that the filter is properly reinstalled and the vacuum is functioning as expected.

Following these steps, you’ll be able to effectively clean the filters of your Dyson V10 vacuum and maintain its optimal performance. Always refer to your vacuum’s user manual for specific instructions and recommendations from the manufacturer.

How Often To Clean Dyson Filter V10

Cleaning your Dyson v10 filter is crucial to maintain its performance and longevity. It is recommended to clean the filter every month or after every use in a dusty environment. When cleaning the filter, make sure to remove it from the device and tap it gently to remove dust and debris.

You can also wash the filter with cold water and let it air dry completely before replacing it in the device. Remember never to use hot water or a dryer to dry the filter as this could damage it.

With regular cleaning, you can ensure the filter functions optimally and prolong the lifespan of your Dyson v10 vacuum.

Signs That The Dyson Filter Needs Cleaning

Additional Tips For Cleaning Dyson Filter V10

Cleaning your Dyson filter v10 is essential for maintaining optimal performance. When cleaning the filter, it’s important to avoid hot water, cleaning agents, or soap to prevent damage. After cleaning, make sure the filter is completely dry before reinstalling it into your vacuum.

Regularly check your filter for any signs of damage, and replace it whenever necessary to keep your vacuum running smoothly. By following these simple tips, you can keep your Dyson filter v10 in top condition and enjoy hassle-free cleaning every time.


Can I wash a Dyson V10 filter?

Yes, some Dyson V10 filters are washable. Refer to your user manual to determine if your specific filter is washable. If it is, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper cleaning.

How do I clean my Dyson V10 canister filter?

To clean the Dyson V10 canister filter, remove it from the vacuum, tap or shake off loose debris, use a soft brush to gently remove remaining dirt, and rinse it under cool tap water if it’s washable. Let it air dry completely before reinstalling it.

How often should you clean the Dyson V10 filter?

Dyson recommends cleaning the filter at least once a month under normal use. However, the frequency of cleaning may vary depending on usage and the environment. Check the filter regularly, and if it appears dirty or clogged, clean it to maintain optimal performance.

Why does my Dyson keep telling me to clean the filter?

Dyson vacuums are equipped with sensors that monitor the filter’s condition. If the filter becomes clogged or dirty, the vacuum sensors will detect this and prompt you to clean the filter. Regular filter cleaning ensures effective suction and prevents damage to the vacuum.


After reading this article, cleaning your Dyson v10 filter will no longer be a daunting task. We discussed the importance of a clean filter and the signs that indicate it needs cleaning. In addition, we provided a step-by-step guide on how to clean your filter, from start to finish.

Remember to detach the filter before cleaning and to let it dry for at least 24 hours after washing it. It is also crucial to check for blockages in the filter and the vacuum head to ensure the best performance.

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