What’s The Difference Between Solar Panels And Photovoltaic Panels

Solar panels are great, regardless of whether we’re talking about solar panels or solar PV panels. The two are distinctly different, but both are great ways to save money and reduce your carbon footprint. But what are the differences between a solar panel and a solar PV system?

Often, the words are just used interchangeably. Technically speaking, however, there is a difference between solar and solar PV panels, and it’s quite a big one!

What are solar panels?

Solar panels, sometimes called solar thermal panels, are designed to take solar energy from the sun in the form of solar thermal energy. The solar thermal panels are filled with liquid-filled tubes that have glycol and antifreeze in them. These liquids are heated up by solar thermal energy, and as they heat up, the liquid is transported to a coil that warms the water tank within the home.

Solar thermal panels (sometimes just called solar panels) are designed to heat water. This is then used in homes for heating and washing in place of using a non-renewable energy source like gas. They can work well, and on cold days even have a pump that moves the liquid around to keep the tank warm on cooler days.

Often, solar thermal panels are combined with a non-renewable energy source like gas to make sure that, in the winter months, the home has enough hot water in the hot water tank to bathe and wash with. In some cases, though, solar thermal panels are equipped with what’s called a thermodynamic system. This helps to keep the hot water tank warm without the use of gas or solar thermal energy.

What are solar pv panels?

Why get solar thermal panels?

Solar thermal panels are a great way to help to reduce your energy bills, as you will rely much less on the national grid for your energy. In the current climate that’s especially important.

Not only that, but solar thermal panels are low maintenance. They are easy to fix when they break, and they tend to last a long time without breaking, meaning that you’re unlikely to spend much on them and you shouldn’t have to deal with an interruption to the harvest of solar thermal heat.

Solar thermal panels are also super efficient, they heat a lot of water per panel. This works well, as it is possible to store the energy gathered by the solar thermal panels.

What are solar PV panels?

These are often just called solar panels and are probably the more well-known of the two. According to the post by Skylamp Solar entitled “What is solar PV?” Solar PV panels are solar panels that produce electricity by using energy from the sun and can convert it to electricity. Solar panels can be installed on roof space to help reduce electricity bills and reduce a home’s carbon footprint.

Solar PV panels are made from two layers of silicone and a material that is semi-conducting, forming solar cells. As such, they can produce an electric field when exposed to sunlight. The sun hits the photovoltaic cells in the solar PV systems and a small voltage of electricity generation occurs. This travels to an inverter which makes it suitable for use in the home, and then the electrical energy is diverted to the fuse box.

In many cases, any excess electricity generated by solar energy from solar PV panels will be rerouted to the national grid. Whether or not this happens with your solar panels will depend on what type of solar PV panels you have installed. Not every solar panel works in the same way.

Some residential solar PV panels will be stand-alone off-grid solar panels, and some will be connected to the national grid. The latter comes with the added benefit of being able to sell any excess solar energy back to the grid, and the ability to use the grid when the solar system is not producing enough energy.

The three types of solar PV panels

Unlike solar thermal panels, there are multiple types of solar PV panels. They are:


Monocrystalline solar PV panels use silicon produced as a single crystal. They cost more than polycrystalline solar PV panels but are often more efficient. A monocrystalline solar system will produce more electrical energy than the polycrystalline solar PV panel equivalent.


Sometimes called multi-crystalline, these are less expensive to produce and thus cheaper to buy. They are, however, the less effective of the two solar PV panels.

Thin film solar cells

This solar panel came before the other two and consists of thin layers of photovoltaic material. It is no longer used, as it was too costly and too low efficient.

Why get solar panels?

Solar PV panels can help to dramatically reduce your energy bills. Many people with solar panels can safely rely largely on their solar PV systems rather than the national grid. This appeals to many who wish to avoid the unpredictable market that hosts energy bills at the moment.

In addition, solar PV panels are much better for the environment than non-renewable energy technologies like gas or other fossil fuels.

Which is better? Solar thermal panels vs solar panels

It is hard to determine which of the two is better between solar thermal systems and solar panels, due to the difference between solar and thermal panels being their purpose. However, if you consider the efficiency and cost of a solar thermal panel and solar thermal systems versus a solar panel and solar PV systems, you will find that solar thermal systems are more value for money in terms of efficiency.

Quoted from Panelit Solar, solar thermal cells are much more efficient, but households generally use more electricity than they use their gas. In an ideal world, the best decision would be to have both solar thermal and solar panels installed.

If you’re interested in installing solar PV panels to gather your electrical energy or you want to use solar power and a solar thermal collector, contact a solar panel expert to discuss what the best option for your property is!


Is solar better than photovoltaic?

Solar and photovoltaic are not directly comparable as they refer to different aspects of harnessing solar energy. Solar is a broader term that encompasses all technologies that utilize sunlight, including solar thermal systems. Photovoltaic, on the other hand, specifically refers to the technology that converts sunlight into electricity. Both solar and photovoltaic have their advantages and applications depending on the specific energy needs and circumstances.

Do all solar panels use photovoltaic?

No, not all solar panels use photovoltaic technology. Solar panels can broadly refer to devices that convert sunlight into usable energy, including both solar thermal panels and photovoltaic panels. Solar thermal panels convert sunlight into heat energy for various applications like water heating or space heating, while photovoltaic panels directly convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect.

What is the difference between solar energy and solar photovoltaic?

Solar energy is a broad term that refers to harnessing the power of the sun to generate usable energy. It encompasses various technologies, including solar thermal systems and photovoltaic systems.
Solar photovoltaic specifically refers to the technology that directly converts sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells or modules. In summary, solar energy is the overall concept, while solar photovoltaic is a specific application within the broader scope of solar energy.

What is the difference between photovoltaic glass and solar panels?

Photovoltaic glass refers to glass panels that have integrated photovoltaic cells to generate electricity. These panels are designed to serve the dual purpose of providing transparency or shading while also producing electricity.
On the other hand, solar panels typically refer to a broader category of devices that convert sunlight into usable energy, which can include both photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels. So, while photovoltaic glass is a specific type of solar panel that incorporates photovoltaic technology, solar panels can encompass a wider range of solar energy conversion technologies.

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